Community Savings Group

This is the first time that every student in Liger Leadership Academy has had 4 weeks of exploration. It was super fast and we expected that we couldn’t finish our work on time. But in reality, we all did a wonderful job. In this first time of my grade 10, I got my first exploration called the Community Saving Group. This is an idea that was influenced by our senior students. The idea was to create a community savings group in the rural communities in Cambodia. But due to the Covid pandemic, we couldn’t;t go outside. But we still find a way to make it work. Later on, it turns out that we’re going to do it in our Liger community first to get experiences and feedback. The main idea of our community savings groups is to encourage people to save more money. In these 4 weeks, we have planned the structure of our project. We also work on how we can explain this idea and encourage them to join as well. 4 weeks was fast approaching, but we almost achieved our goals. 

A community savings group is a microfinance model, in which people in the community come together for the purpose of creating a sustainable community-based savings group that is known to be an effective strategy towards long-term financial management. Its benefits include developing good money habits, financial security, earning savings interest, extending financial services provided to rural areas, as well as getting low-interest rates for loans. 

Here the brochure of our Community Savings Groups (In Khmer)

Created by Yanich Khin
Created by Yanich Khin

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